National Equipment League Launches Season Two

The National Equipment League is a competition that showcases the skills of heavy equipment operators, essentially treating the operation of construction machinery as a...

Take The Stairs

The first book on your punch list for 2024 is Take The Stairs, a proven approach to success in seven practical steps, getting you...

A Year of Learning

I hope you’ve found the Punch List of must-reads for 2023 motivational, inspiring, and insightful. It was all those things and more as I read...

Leadership Is Influence

The eleventh book on your punch list is Leadership Is Influence by consultant and international speaker Paul Lawrence Vann, who shares a wealth of...

The Firefly Effect

The tenth book on your punch list is The Firefly Effect, sharing how to build teams that engage in creativity and achieve results. WHY THIS...

Turn The Ship Around!

The ninth book on your punch list is Turn The Ship Around!, telling the true story of how Captain David Marquet turned the worst-performing...

The One Thing

The eighth book on your punch list is The One Thing. This book shares the simple truth about getting the results that are stellar. WHY...

The Fred Factor

The seventh book on your punch list is The Fred Factor. This book is designed to help you excel in your career and make...

The Brand Mapping Strategy

The sixth book on your punch list is The Brand Mapping Strategy: Design, Build and Accelerate Your Brand. This book is designed to help...

The Business Playbook

The fifth book on your punch list is The Business Playbook. This book is designed to help you document and delegate what you do...