OSHA Expands “Reportable” Incidents in Final Rule

On September 18, 2014, OSHA published in the Federal Register a 60-page Final Rule changing requirements for Injury and Illness Recordkeeping and Reporting under...

Negotiating Change Provisions, Change Orders, and Change Directives

The Greek philosopher Heraclitus once wrote that nothing endures but change. That adage certainly holds true in the construction industry. Nearly every construction project...

Employer Prevails in General Duty Clause Case

The Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) has a multitude of regulations to which concrete and construction contractors must adhere. Most of the construction...
Learning Curves & Lost Productivity Claims

Learning Curves & Lost Productivity Claims

By Christopher S. Drewry In construction, productivity is often viewed as manhours per unit of work—greater productivity means fewer manhours spent per unit of work....
Establish a Strong OSHA Defense Before an Inspector Shows Up

Establish a Strong OSHA Defense Before an Inspector Shows Up

In most instances, an OSHA inspector will arrive at your door unannounced. Among other things, the inspector will present his or her credentials, say...

Who's The Boss?

Multi-employer worksites often cause headaches when it comes to OSHA enforcement activities. OSHA has a well-established doctrine, which creates four categories of employers who...

Line of Defense

There are few things more crippling to the progress and budget of a project than a contractual default. Needless to say, the best preventive...

What About Taxes?

By Christopher Scott D’Angelo In the July 2020 article, I focused on contractor responsibilities for operations and worksite safety relating to COVID-19 and the pandemic...
Delay Claim Preclusion

Delay Claim Preclusion for Failure to Meet Contractual Notice Provisions— An...

When a contractor encounters delays on a project, one of the first prerequisites in response thereto is to determine the notice requirements under the...

Contract Language: Force Majeure Clause and its Definition

By Diana Parks In the event COVID-19 takes a toll on the American workforce and directly affects U.S. construction projects, know what’s defined in your...