workplace violence


Mitigate Risk: Effective Strategies for Employers By Justin Kaplan, Esq. “Hey, how you doing?” engineer Joseph Scott asked coworker and fellow engineer DeWayne Craddock in the...

Subcontractor Injuries

Determining Liability and the Responsible Party By Thomas M. Buckley In today’s legal landscape, contractors need to be on guard against claims for an injury to...

OSHA’s PSM Standard

By Samantha Catone, Esq. OSHA’s first Process Safety Management Program (PSM) was created in 1992 in response to a series of catastrophic incidents related to...

Pass-Through Agreements

Maximize chances for recovery By Christopher S. Drewry The shift of a project dispute into claim mode can significantly alter the dynamic of the project participants....

Jobsite Harassment

By Anthony M. Kroese, Esq. and Christopher Maugans, Esq. The #MeToo movement and its widespread publicity of issues involving sexual harassment is transforming the way employers...

Tips to Help Navigate Insurance on Projects

By Aman Kahlon In the modern era, most construction contracts incorporate insurance requirements as a primary means to address the risk of unexpected occurrences that...
Drone Usage Legality

Drone Usage

Beneficial on projects—but they’re not toys By Christopher Scott D’Angelo Drones are used more and more in construction projects—whether for inspections, surveys, designs, monitoring, progress reports,...

Avoid Lack of Privity

Express third-party beneficiary clauses By Alexis Hailpern and Danielle Waltz The emergence of modern and specialized inclusions on projects creates an environment where contractors are inundated...

Lien Rights: Remedies for Potential Issues on the Project

By Aman Kahlon Liens are one of the primary tools for the construction industry to secure payment claims. However, lien rights and remedies vary between...

Contract Language: Force Majeure Clause and its Definition

By Diana Parks In the event COVID-19 takes a toll on the American workforce and directly affects U.S. construction projects, know what’s defined in your...