When Your Suppliers Transform, You Win

How contractors are reaping the benefits of their suppliers’ growing digital intelligence By Ursula Grün Amid the huge amount manufacturers are spending on digital transformation—$335 billion...
mechanical systems

Hospital Built to Plan

The Denver, Colorado, suburb of Northglenn sold 5.7 acres of vacant land to SCL Health Community Hospitals for the construction of a 60,000-square-foot, community-based...

Concrete Complexity

By Jason D. Wimberly, PE, MCE As architects design new high-rise buildings taller and with more complexity, producers are challenged to deliver ready-mix concrete that...

Avoid Random Cracking

From warehouses to retail showcases to grocery stores and beyond, polyurea is outperforming traditional epoxy, silicone, and polyurethane materials to fill and seal concrete...

Rammer Scrap Shear

The Rammer range of hydraulic scrap shears are manufactured from HB400 steel and designed to be used in every industrial demolition job involving the...

Risk Planning

Recent extreme weather events causing construction delays and cost overruns have demonstrated the increasingly shifting position of risk within which infrastructure developers operate. Supply...

Li-Fi Technology

By Saloni Walimbe The Li-Fi industry is constantly touching new heights, especially at a time when IoT is proliferating in every sector and the use...

Rising Revolution

Construction Technology (ConTech) adoption and investment has been on a steady rise within the industry. While it has led to safer jobsites, it has...

Conquering Technology

By Troy Dahlin The construction industry is undergoing a digital revolution, and new approaches are improving traditional tools and processes. With this comes the opportunity...

Three Key Benefits of Grading Technology: Productivity, Efficiency, and Safety

Without question, technology is revolutionizing the way companies in all industries conduct business. Over the years, the evolution of technology in the construction industry...