Finding Balance

The way we work has been transformed as mobile technologies and connectivity have evolved to become extensions of ourselves. Gone are the days employers...

Cloud Hosting

To host, or not to host? That is a question many contractors face as they add software capacity to gain competitive advantages in workflows...

Earthwork Software

The popularity of lump sum bidding provides cost assurance for the developer but puts the financial risk on the general and grading contractor. To...

Payroll Process

Horses were used by just about everybody, crowding the streets of New York City. Foul odors and accidents were commonplace. Pollution during this period...

Intelligent Software

The current state of the labor market is directly impacting construction companies in more ways than one. At the end of 2021, the construction...

Linarc Platform

Linarc, Inc., the fastest growing collaborative project management platform in the construction industry, launches a better way to deliver construction projects. Linarc solves the...

Digital Reporting

In construction, profitability depends on a company’s ability to manage risks. Projects are complex, and even with careful oversight many are derailed when minor...

Expert Q&A: PRYME + Streamwide

Dave George is president and chief technologist for PRYME, a foremost manufacturer of specialized mobile communication accessories for professionals in every industry sector. Pryme...

Tech Mindset

Civil contractors are optimistic about the industry for 2023 and 2024, per the most recent Civil Quarterly from Dodge Construction Network. The report states...

Data-Driven: Part 1 of 4

In 2023, architects and engineers can construct a building even before a shovel hits the ground. Building design and construction have come a long way...