Igniting Your Team to New Levels of Performance
When it comes to constructing a team of people who work well together to create winning outcomes, knowing “how to” and understanding “how to”...
Exiting Requires More than a Thought
In June 1968, General William Westmoreland was relieved of his command in Vietnam when his new boss, Richard Nixon, lost confidence in his approach....
6 Tips for Tackling Commercial Financing
Commercial financing is available to encourage responsible budgeting and enable businesses to overcome unanticipated hurdles like economic downfalls, unpaid invoices, and budgetary discrepancies. With...
7 Steps for Solving Business Problems
Successful people all do one thing: they solve problems. They don't just stare at a problem and wish it would go away.
The magic key...
Don’t Get Stuck in Reverse
Reverse logistics is becoming an integral part of operations for manufacturers, distributors, and service providers to minimize lost revenue when moving products, parts, and...
Dynamic Duos: Working with Two Contractors on One Project
Contractors must be some of the best communicators in the professional services world. Everything we do relies on proper communication between our own team,...
Compensation Strategies: Keep Your Most Talented
With U.S. unemployment rates at generational lows, construction companies face one of the most severe talent shortages ever. Faced with this challenge, companies are...
A Template for Harnessing the Power of Innovation
The famed artist Pablo Picasso once said, “The chief enemy of creativity is good sense.” He certainly nailed that one. By its very nature,...
Aiming for Wellness
The construction industry has shown tremendous growth in the last decade as the economy continues to strengthen. Although strong labor markets have created confidence...
New Payments Paradigm
It isn’t often that the construction industry leads in new technology adoption, yet that is the opportunity offered by a new partnership between Viewpoint,...