Commercial Property Owners Combat Excessive Exterior Noise and Win

The loud clattering of trains slowly arriving downtown might seem quaint to some urban ears, particularly when passing through a certified historic district. But...

CGA’s Best Practices Guide

With more than 20 million miles of buried infrastructure in the United States and more being added every day, it has never been more...

Disposal of Concrete Grinding Residue

An area of focus within the construction industry throughout the past few years has been the question of how to handle concrete grinding residue...
Permeable Pavers

Permeable Pavers

Retrofit manages water runoff for city street Max Poppel and Dan Rose began their entrepreneurial pursuits in 2011 when they opened The Crash Pad, a...
Detroit Opera House Roof Makeover

Detroit Opera House Roof Makeover

In the center of Downtown Detroit sat an expansive space of quasi-usable rooftop. The Detroit Opera House, a landmark in metro Detroit sitting at...
PNC Tower

LEED Platinum-certified Tower at PNC Plaza

The 33-story LEED Platinum-certified Tower at PNC Plaza has been touted as the “world’s greenest office tower” and stands as the showpiece of PNC’s...

LEED Strategies

By Tommy Linstroth It might not always be top of mind on the jobsite, but what happens during construction will affect the indoor air quality...

Anna River Culvert Replacement Project

The Anna River culvert replacement project was carried out in the fall of 2010. The Anna River is 7.1 miles long and is located...

Close Encounters

I remember getting a call one day from my safety director who was working with our crew in Texas. His exact words to me were,...

More Than Just a Machine

A conversation with Somero’s Lance Holbrook, VP of North America and International Sales When it comes to precision concrete placing and leveling equipment, Somero has...