According to the Merriam-Websters, the definition of transportation is “the act or process of moving people or things from one place to another; a way of traveling from one place to another place; a system for moving passengers or goods from one place to another.”
Looking back on the American marvels of ingenuity that put in place railroads during the Industrial Revolution, added the Interstate Highway System, built the Hoover Dam, and created bar codes, our nation put itself on the fast track to economic prosperity. We connected people, places, and things from coast to coast. Modes of transportation evolved to become more efficient and cost-effective. The American business model thrived with generational ease. Fast-forward to today. The once-pristine roadways, bridges, rails, and ports are falling apart and the funds to fix, repair, and build are dwindling.
MAP-21 (Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act) funded surface transportation programs at over $105 billion for fiscal years 2013 and 2014. It was the first long-term highway authorization since 2005. MAP-21 expires at the end of September and is forecast to be bankrupt at the end of August. So what’s next?
Leave it to the Obama Administration to propose a new act to reauthorize funding for highway, transit, highway safety, and rail programs—the GROW AMERICA Act. It’s an acronym for the Generating Renewal, Opportunity, and Work with Accelerated Mobility, Efficiency, and Rebuilding of Infrastructure and Communities throughout American Act.
What exactly in the Act? It’s a $302 billion, 4-year transportation reauthorization proposal designed to increase and stabilize funding for our nation’s transportation grid. The Act would rename the Highway Trust Fund the Transportation Trust Fund.
The highlights of the Act include $199 billion to invest in our nation’s highway system and road safety, stressing the importance of the “Fix-it-First” policy for needed repairs and improvements to our transportation systems. More than $7 billion would go to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. An investment of $72 billion would be targeted for transit systems and expansion of our transportation options. The Obama Administration believes this will expand economic growth, thereby creating jobs and new opportunities for Americans.
Sound familiar? It should. Most, if not all, of the Obama Administration’s Acts tout the benefits for the middle class without adding to the deficit. Much like the long name of this Act, the details are just as lengthy. We’ll see how Congress reacts. Check out the GROW AMERICA Act for yourself and become informed:
There’s a movement to create support for new transportation funding at the grassroots level. Starting in June, there will be three events aimed at letting Congress know the construction industry stands firmly together for a solution to improve our infrastructure.
June 10-11: TCC Fly-In
Mayflower Hotel in Washington, DC
June 11: Rally for Roads
8 a.m. at Union Square in Washington, DC
September 9-10: The Material Group Fly-In
Grand Hyatt Hotel in Washington, DC
Join the members of the Association of Equipment Manufacturers and the men and women of the construction industry at the events scheduled to raise awareness and urge Congress to invest in our nation’s transportation needs. Meet federal lawmakers and regulators and have your voice heard. Working together, we’ll fix the potholes. ■
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Modern Contractor Solutions, May 2014
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