From the shop to the yard and between jobsites, you have heavy equipment, mid-size assets, vehicles, and small tools constantly on the move. Between use, mixed assets sit idle in the field or storage yards or lost in Conex boxes. Additional assets are often purchased or rented because most companies don’t have visibility to know where everything is nor an efficient way to manage it all. Enter Tenna.

Tenna is a construction technology platform that revolutionizes equipment fleet operations. By combining technology with more than 100 years of construction experience, we take you beyond tracking and provide you with uninterrupted visibility and actionable information across your entire equipment fleet. Gain back control over your equipment fleet with higher utilization, better job costing, and enhanced safety and compliance. With complete field/shop/office communications, you get full visibility and transparency across your mixed fleet. Tenna helps you make more informed decisions to rent, buy, or move your equipment, with improved utilization and more predictability.  

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