Predictive analytics can be used to predict and prevent workplace injuries
According to Predictive Solutions, workplace injuries can be predicted. Confirmed by research conducted by its teams and Carnegie Mellon University, researchers crunched the numbers based on more than 120 million safety observations and associated safety incidents recorded from more than 15,000 individual worksites over a period of 4 years. The findings supported the analysis of offsetting incidents and accidents on the jobsite. There are four safety truths that surfaced for the prediction and prevention of workplace accidents.
More inspections predict a safer worksite: make sure your program rewards high levels of inspections.
More inspectors, specifically more inspectors outside the safety function, predict a safer worksite: include as many people as you can in your safety inspection program and ideally, have more non-safety than safety people in your program.
Too many “100-percent safe” inspections predict an unsafe worksite: train for and reward the reporting of unsafe observations.
Too many unsafe observations predict an unsafe worksite: commit the time and resources to fixing the unsafe observations before they cause incidents, avoiding persistent high levels of unsafe observations.
Research has found that worksites that successfully incorporate all four of the Safety Truths had two to three times less incidents. By promoting high levels of inspections, across both safety and non-safety functions, where it was expected that unsafe observations would be continually found and addressed, world-class worksites were able to manage their risk of injuries and stay in the areas of lowest risk.
Many industries and business functions are taking advantage of their “big data” sets by performing advanced analytics to make predictions about the future. When applied correctly, predictive analytics allow leaders to gain deep insight into their business and deploy their scarce resources in an optimal way. Safety professionals can now stop being reactive and start being proactive when it comes to safety. ■
For More Information:
To read the entire whitepaper from Predictive Solutions regarding predictive analytics in workplace safety, visit
Modern Contractor Solutions, March 2013
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Safety Truths