Storeroom efficiency netted positive results
By Corey Crable
In part one and two of this article, Superior Paving made the decision to improve its asset management and inventory control process by retaining the help of TBR Strategies under the direction of president Preston Ingalls. In this conclusion, Superior Paving shares the impact of the adoption of the TPR Program.
Thanks to the adoption of and adherence to the TPR program, both Miller and Sine say, the long-term future of Superior Paving will be a bright one, short on waste and long on organization and inventory control—the way it should be.
“Back when we moved into this facility, someone would say, ‘Officials are coming through and we need to clean up,’” recalls Ralph Sine, Superior paving equipment manager. “Now we don’t need to worry about it. You can have visitors any day of the week and we’re always ready.”
Those visitors have indeed been coming and always express both surprise and awe at what they see at work in the company. It’s a significant source of pride for Superior Paving’s employees.
“Everyone here is proud of where the company has come,” Sine says. “We have lots of visitors and everyone who comes through can’t believe it’s an asphalt company.”
That readiness for anyone who might drop by and visit will benefit the company for years to come, adds Rocky Miller, Superior Paving equipment inventory specialist, saying he wants the principles of TPR to extend to other areas of the company.
“I feel like we’re just getting started,” Miller says. “We don’t want to rest on how things are good now. I want to ask how things can be made even better. I’m so passionate about inventory and TPR.”

Ingalls praises Superior Paving as a company whose employees truly listened to the theories and practices espoused in the TPR program, and then successfully implemented them. It’s not always as easy as it seems, Ingalls says, but it’s always proven worthwhile.
“There’s a place for everything, and everything in its place—a homesite for every item. People don’t always see the value in doing that,” Ingalls says. “You have someone depending on their own knowledge and recall—I know where I put that thing—but our memories are not reliable.”
Ingalls continues: “They have hosted many of our other clients, and they were astounded at how efficiently their storeroom is run, but we didn’t get that overnight. It took determination, leadership, and dedication. Rocky did a phenomenal job of making this a priority and he did the right things right.”
For Miller and his co-workers, an efficient parts room is only the beginning—and the benefits are numerous and immediately seen.
“At Superior Paving, by organizing our Parts Room, we’ve been able to establish data on what we have and what we need. Our fleet is always evolving, so we’re able to keep track of what equipment might become obsolete at the end of the next season, which in turn will help us evaluate just what we need to stock or not stock for that piece of equipment,” Miller says. “Also, the data that is provided with having an organized parts room has helped us reap more rewards, such as tracking KPI’s as well as a host of other valuable information.”
Throughout the company’s evolution, Miller adds, its leaders and employees haven’t forgotten its humble roots, and they stand ready to assist other companies benefit from the training they received from TBR Strategies.
Ingalls states: “This has provided Superior with a major competitive advantage. Having the right parts at the right time in the right condition means less downtime, which equates to increased production. They have much to be proud about.”
“We’ve still been able to remain humble, because we can’t forget where we came from,” Miller says. “Every time someone compliments us, we assure them it’s possible for them, too. They just have to take that first step.”
About the author
Corey Crable is a freelance writer and editor living in Kansas City. A former journalism professor, he has worked as a reporter, copy editor, and designer for multiple print and online publications based in the Midwest. Contact him at
Modern Contractor Solutions, November 2019
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