Everything is better at the lake. Just ask Gary Greene, who retired from construction more than 10 years ago only to take up a position as maintenance manager at Lake Caroline Property Owners Association (LCPOA) in Ladysmith, Virginia.
Lake Caroline is a gated community of 1,000 single-family homes spread out through 1,400 acres of land. The lake spans 277 acres flowing west to east and is more than 2 miles long. The area is picture perfect, but to keep it that way takes a watchful eye and some maintenance along the way.
The growing community keeps Greene busy during what is supposed to be his retirement. His Lake Caroline crew handles all the road maintenance, home sewer, drainage issues, and retention pond management. It is an important job, but Greene has years of experience and knowledge to handle it.
Most recently, LCPOA made a crucial equipment purchase with a brand new TB1140 Series 2, the largest excavator in the Takeuchi lineup. Since his days in construction, Greene has operated several different Takeuchi machines and was originally introduced to the brand by his dealer, White Oak Equipment. The Virginia-based dealer and Greene continue to have a great relationship, and Greene has relied on White Oak to help make equipment decisions many times over the years.
“I have operated other brands of machines, but from my experience Takeuchi has the other manufacturers beat all the way around,” says Greene. “What I get from Takeuchi is the versatility, low maintenance, and zero headaches—I have no issues with their machines.”
The first machine White Oak introduced to Greene was 15 years ago with the TL150 track loader. He has been an advocate for Takeuchi equipment ever since.
“I really like the versatility with Takeuchi machines and they have a great hydraulic system,” says Greene. “With many different construction areas, the size and weight of the machines means a lot and Takeuchi has a good balance there.”
Greene knew exactly what he was getting with the TB1140 after renting the machine with good results 2 years ago. He rented the 34,000 pound, 103 hp excavator to dredge out the boatslips on their property. He liked it so much that he wound up purchasing it the summer of 2016.
In addition to buying the TB1140, Greene also purchased a Bradco mulching head to attach to his new excavator. That helps give him the versatility he needs for several jobs throughout the Lake Caroline community. Although they have not had the machine for long, the main plan is to dig retention ponds with storm sewers, dredge the lake, and with the Bradco mulching head, cut the brush and trees back off the road.
The lake has a way of bringing a sense of peacefulness and relaxation. For Greene, retirement may not be completely relaxing, but the maintenance manager and his LCPOA crew are instrumental in preserving it for the Lake Caroline community by keeping it in pristine condition.
Yes, life on the lake is pretty good and Greene plans to keep it that way. ■
For More Information: For more information about the TB1140 Series 2, the largest excavator in the Takeuchi lineup, visit www.takeuchi-us.com.
Modern Contractor Solutions, March 2017
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Lake Caroline: Keeping a Pristine Community