The Phillips-head screwdriver is an extremely useful and even elegant tool. By having four points of contact instead of two, it solves the issue of flathead screwdrivers wandering to the edge of the screw head as they turn. But what happens if you don’t have the right size Phillips bit for the screw? Often, the screw head will strip out, introducing a new problem that slows your progress or even halts your work entirely. Choosing the right tool for the job speeds up the task, alleviates frustration, and prevents potential damage or injury.
That’s true in every industry and on multiple levels. Take the pavement preservation industry, for example. If your only approach to keeping roads in good condition is completely tearing out deteriorated pavement and replacing it, you will spend countless hours and endless funds repeatedly fixing the same spots. But preserving pavement before it deteriorates is faster and more cost-effective. Likewise, using too small of a machine to melt and apply repair material will slow you down, while using too large of a machine wastes time and money. It’s all about choosing the right tool for the job in front of you, whether that means a literal piece of equipment or your overall approach.
To take it one step further, solving problems may mean learning about new tools. One example is Crafco’s Mastic One hot-applied repair material for wide cracks and distresses in asphalt. Mastic One has been on the market for about two decades, with numerous successful applications across the U.S. and around the globe. It solves several problems versus using hot mix asphalt for patches, including faster application, shorter road closures, longer lifespan, and smaller crews. If you’re facing a problem that hampers your productivity, get curious about what other solutions may be available—especially given the rapid pace of advances in technology.
PoreShield by Crafco is a perfect example of that. This revolutionary concrete durability enhancer is the result of research at Purdue University, which was tasked in 2008 with finding a better solution to concrete highway joint deterioration by the Indiana Department of Transportation. Bio-based PoreShield soaks deep into the concrete pore network to block absorption of damaging ions and moisture for 10+ years. It’s an innovative new “tool” in the kit of concrete professionals, proving that progress is often less about earth-shattering technical breakthroughs and more about applying knowledge and rigorous experimentation to a problem.

But what about cost? Any home DIYer knows the quandary of deciding whether to buy a tool they may only use once. The reluctance to spend money on a tool when you could continue to muddle through with an improvised solution is understandable. However, consider that buying the right tool is an investment in your time, safety, and sanity. Using needle nose pliers to twist a brake caliper piston back during a brake job technically works, but how many bloody knuckles might you have at the end? Taking the time to borrow the correct loaner tool from the auto parts store will save so much time and frustration.
That’s why Crafco offers equipment rental services at our Supply Centers. Sometimes contractors need a tool but can’t justify the cost of buying it. Renting instead makes the job go smoothly without eating up all the profit. And a successful trial job using rental equipment may give you the confidence to take on more of the same jobs, which can quickly change the math surrounding a purchase decision. That means more growth and ultimately more profit.
Additionally, using the right tool also helps ensure a good outcome. Try driving finish nails with a milled-face framing hammer, and you’ll wind up with a waffle pattern on your beautiful new trim. In the pavement preservation industry, the same logic holds true with crack sealant. Crafco has developed a huge range of sealants to compensate for climate and other conditions like slope and pavement age.
For example, the sealant used in Crafco’s home state of Arizona has to remain solid in the brutal summer heat, but it doesn’t need to stretch nearly as much in cold weather as sealants used in Minnesota.
Sloped roads call for low-viscosity sealants, and heavily oxidized asphalt pavement can be torn apart by sealants with too much elastic recovery. Even the humble parking lot requires a specific sealant formulation because of vehicles making low speed turns which would tear the wrong material. Like any other contracting niche, pavement preservation requires knowledge and experience to find the right tool for the job. And if you don’t have the knowledge or experience you need yet, the best thing to do is ask someone who knows. That’s what we’re here for.
Life is short, and your time is valuable. Use the right tool so you can enjoy more of it.
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Modern Contractor Solutions, January 2024
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