Hitachi Solutions America, a leading provider of global industry solutions powered by the Microsoft Cloud, announces Advanced Connect for Field Service, a pre-built, no-code integration that connects Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations (F&O) and Microsoft Dynamics 365 FieldĀ Service. Providing the most advanced functionality right out-of-the-box, the solution eliminates the need to build a costly in-house integration to seamlessly centralize and automate common yet complex field service transactions and share the data across the entire business. 

Designed specifically for the unique needs of field service, the robust integration synchronizes customer/accounts, warehouses, released products, vendors, purchase orders, purchase order receipts, inventory adjustments, inventory transfers, and F&O project journals entities. This creates a complete end-to-end field service automation solution that optimizes inventory processes, tracks service stock accurately at mobile and fixed locations, provides more accurate warehouse levels, as well as automates invoicing. For more, visit