Hitachi is taking efficiency to a new level with Hitachi Grade Guidance, integrated and developed in cooperation with Topcon. Leveraging the latest components and technologies, Grade Guidance is a “one-stop shop” solution that helps complete precision-excavation more efficiently.

“We’re thrilled to offer this option to our customers,” says Jonny Spendlove, product marketing manager, excavators, Hitachi Construction Machinery – Americas. “With the new Grade Guidance option, our customers can dig confidently and enhance their efficiency. Instead of spending time on the guesswork that goes into achieving the right grade, Grade Guidance monitors it in real time, so our customers can get the job done quickly.” 

The new option is now available on the ZX210-6, ZX210LC-6, and ZX350LC-6, and will be offered on additional Dash-6 models in the future.

Supported by Hitachi’s reliable dealer network, Grade Guidance is installed and calibrated at the factory, so it arrives on jobsites ready to work. 

Customers can choose 2D Grade Guidance or 3D Grade Guidance. The 2D Grade Guidance with an optional laser receiver displays the elevation of the cutting edge in relation to a reference plane while the 3D Grade Guidance with Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) displays position and elevation with respect to a global reference. System data from both options can be sent to ZXLink™ for analysis, so the machine’s health can be monitored to keep projects running. 

In addition to the new factory-integrated Grade Guidance, Hitachi offers an open architecture option that includes sensor mounting brackets to enable installation of a Trimble, Topcon, or Leica aftermarket kit. For more, visit