GCP Applied Technologies’ DUCTILCRETE® engineered slab systems provide a cost-effective way to expand warehouse capacity. The floors have a thinner profile than traditional concrete slab, yet have up to 125% higher load bearing capacity. Additionally, since DUCTILCRETE® systems have far fewer joints, tenants have greater flexibility in racking and equipment layouts.

These extremely flat floors are also ideal for those using a computerized picking system or cantilevered racking systems. They can also be easily adapted to support a wide range of uses, such as food grade, manufacturing or lab grade facilities.

DUCTILCRETE advanced concrete slab technology differentiates your space—giving warehouses, distribution centers, manufacturing facilities, and data center tenants greater flexibility of their floor space—with lower maintenance costs by reducing the amounts of joints in the slab by up to 75%.

With fewer joints, DUCTILCRETE systems:

  • Increase loading capacity 
  • Gain flexibility in space usage and layout 
  • Support a wide range of uses, including food grade, manufacturing, and lab-grade facilities
  • Backed by a 5-year warranty from your DUCTILCRETE licensed contractor

Contact GCP to learn how DUCTILCRETEˇ advanced concrete slab technology can improve your space. 
