FleetWatcher integrates with B2W Software to enhance its functionality, saving users of both platforms time while significantly improving accuracy. Machine hour readings from FleetWatcher equipped assets flow seamlessly through to populate B2W modules, thus eliminating the manual input of this information. In addition to saving administrative time, this automatic data transfer significantly enhances accuracy. Because data is tied to equipment activity, the real-time data details who worked and for how long, thus eliminating time card overhangs. Information from rolling assets as well as off-road equipment is automatically captured, making the integration useful to heavy construction contractors of all sizes. B2W Software is a Trimble company with well-established integration capabilities with Trimble Viewpoint ERP systems. Contractors using B2W to manage operations and equipment maintenance benefit by having FleetWatcher telematics integrated to complete the data transfer chain. With automated data capture and reporting from project to payment, contractors can manage projects more efficiently and profitably. For more, visit www.fleetwatcher.com.