The Initiative to Hire Veterans
The nation recently celebrated the 70th anniversary of D-Day, the day the beaches of Normandy were stained with the blood of those fighting for freedom from the grip of Nazi Germany. The Allied Troops embarked on a mission to gain a foot-hold in Europe by storming a 50-mile stretch of beach on the coastline of France. Met with strong resistance, the casualties were many. More than 9,000 soldiers were wounded or killed. With victory the only option, General Dwight D. Eisenhower called the invasion a crusade. This day marked the beginning of the end of WWII. More than 100,000 soldiers forged ahead to face the enemy. Those boots on the ground fought and won. Today, there aren’t many WWII veterans left to thank for their service.
In the years since the “greatest” war, the U.S. has been involved in military actions to protect the freedoms of Americans and the sovereignty of other nations. Once military service has been completed, the men and women who served with honor and distinction may find reentering civilian life a tad difficult. The skills learned in military training and on the battlefield may not be understood by potential employers. However, these job skills do translate into dedication, commitment, ability to think under pressure, aptitude for technical components, and the desire to complete the mission.
U.S. Pavement Services understands the value that veterans bring to the workforce. And to bring this awareness to the national level, U.S. Pavement announces its initiative to engage other companies in the pledge to hire veterans for full-time jobs.
“Since the inception of the Pledge in January 2014, U.S. Pavement has encouraged more than 31 companies to take the pledge,” says Mike Musto, CEO of U.S. Pavement. To date, the company has hired four full-time veterans in its New England-based operation, including Steve Bohn, former U.S. Army Specialist of the 101st Airborne Division.
Bohn’s relationship with the company began on June 8, 2013, at a pre-game charity event at Fenway Park developed in partnership with the Wounded Warrior Project™. He was hired in March 2014 to oversee the Pledge program.
U.S. Pavement plans to raise awareness about the Pledge to Hire Veterans at the June 14, 2014, Boston Red Sox Game. Musto has invited more than 225 veterans and staff to take a tour of Fenway Park and to join him at the game. Bohn will throw out the first pitch. “U.S. Veterans have served and protected our country, so helping this group to gain meaningful employment is the least we can do to thank them for their sacrifice,” says Musto. “Veterans are well trained, skilled, structured, and ready to work.”
As part of his duties, Bohn will oversee the Pledge interfacing with local and national companies in order to help them facilitate the hiring of veterans. “As the first step in this campaign, U.S. Pavement is asking companies to hire one veteran,” says Bohn. Companies may qualify for Federal Tax Credits (up to $9,600) for each U.S. Veteran hired—a win-win.
It’s no secret that the construction industry is facing a workforce shortage. Factor in the number of construction workers retiring and the lack of people entering the construction industry career path, and it’s easy to see the shortfall. Construction companies are not finding people qualified to fill the technical, skilled trades. For those companies willing to train, hiring a veteran is a welcome solution. Will you take the Pledge today to hire a veteran? It may be the best business decision you’ll ever make. Remember, freedom isn’t free—it’s paid for by those willing to sit on that wall (movie reference).
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For More Information To learn more about the Pledge to Hire Veterans campaign, visit, or call 1-800-PAVEMENT (1-800-728-3636) to speak to a representative today. If you’ve decided to take the Pledge, please let U.S. Pavement know your decision.
Modern Contractor Solutions, June 2014
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