Keeping a well-trained workforce can be challenging. Every week, new technologies and new methodologies are changing how construction is performed. Keeping abreast of all the changes is already difficult enough, never mind training staff on these new technologies and tools. From project management to BIM to remote surveillance and control, digital solutions offer significant benefits to companies in the construction industry, assuming the right people on your team have been trained to use them effectively. If staff are not adequately trained, you end up with just a fancy, expensive gadget no one uses.
Furthermore, adopting technology without providing adequate training can have adverse effects on your business. Staff will take longer to complete tasks, will make more mistakes, will get confused and frustrated, and will eventually stop using the technology.
Training employees contributes to better-quality work, less mistakes, a more efficient and knowledgeable staff, and employee retention, so why do so many companies not train their employees better?
The answer is, in part, the positive effects of training aren’t easy to calculate. If an employee, due to their training, avoids making a mistake that would have cost your company thousands of dollars, does that get calculated? Does it even get recorded? It doesn’t, because companies would be comparing an actual against a hypothetical.
However, training fees plus wages plus travel costs are very easy to calculate. So, companies end up comparing a known to an unknown and, often to their detriment, forego the training and hope for the best.
When companies overlook training employees on digital solutions designed for construction, it can have negative effects. For example, when using a take-off software, mistakes made when inputting data or calculating quantities, will make your bid less accurate. If the mistake translates into a high bid, you will probably lose the contract; if it translates into a low bid, you risk losing money.
Also, starting a job with incorrect quantities will negatively influence how much you order. You could end up with too much or too little of a building material. This could negatively impact costs, if you ordered too much, and it can negatively impact schedules if you find out last minute that you have ordered too little and now you have to wait for a second shipment.
Mistakes can have a trickle-down effect and small mistakes can snowball into large consequences. Your employees are there to make you money, so it’s best to train your employees to the best of their abilities.
Software today is primarily sold as a service. A service acknowledges the relationship between the end-user and the software provider will last only if the company continues to use the software.
When purchasing new software, companies don’t have the product knowledge to train employees and need to take full advantage of any training opportunities provided by the software provider. When comparing software solution providers, find one with a robust onboarding program, continuous training opportunities and great support.
A customer-centric training and support program helps customers better understand the technology, gain greater confidence in tackling tasks, and earn higher customer success rates. Happy customers renew their licenses and tell others of their positive experiences.
Adversely, when a software company provides inadequate training and support, the customer does not realize the full benefits of the technology. They may potentially stop using the software or shop for a competitive product and tell others about their bad experience.
Insite Software, providers of earthwork takeoff and GPS model building software, triumphs in training because they realize the positive benefits of training and support and the immediate correlation to customer success.
“Our company goal is customer success; the most successful customers are the ones who know how to use the software, and we give them the tools they need to succeed,” says Steve Warfle, president, Insite Software.
Insite Software starts by vetting potential customers to make sure the customer understands the software’s purpose before closing the sale. “If the technology is not going to serve the customer’s needs, we try to find that out before even selling them the product. Customers don’t renew their license if they feel that the technology doesn’t line up with what they wanted to do,” says Warfle. “Overselling your product is not good business.”
When Insite Software sells a license, the company initiates an onboarding program that includes 75 minutes of personalized instruction using voice and screen sharing technology. A series of videos and documentation continue the learning process.
It’s in the interest of both the provider and the customer for the provider to provide training and for the customer to take advantage of the training. This cuts down the number of technical supports calls in the future and creates a more productive user. The creation of video tutorials can save thousands of hours in customer support.
“Training has never played a more important part in customer success; it is at the core of our company and is what distinguishes us from our competition,” says Warfle. We know that we can only be successful if our customers are successful. Our sales growth is heavily influenced by taking a proactive approach to training our customers.”
For More Information
Insite Software, based out of Rochester, New York, is the industry leader in earthwork takeoff and GPS modeling tools. Our software solutions give estimators the tools required to be competitive, accurate, and profitable. We are recognized for our software innovations and continue to expand our product offerings to meet the growing productivity needs of our customers. For more, visit
Modern Contractor Solutions, April 2021
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