By Karli Langner
Running a construction business is unlike managing any other business. With so many moving parts and a lot at stake, having the right tools is a key to success. Technology platforms can do wonders from an efficiency standpoint by connecting internal supply-chain processes with suppliers, buyers, logistics providers, inspectors, and owners. A digital platform allows a company to simplify data and analytics across their trading partners to simplify operations and track business performance.
The SH 99-Grand Parkway Segments H, I-1 and I-2 project spans 52.8 miles around northeast Houston within Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery counties, making up approximately 25% of a 180+-mile circumferential scenic highway.
At 180+ miles, the completed project represents the longest highway loop in the United States, traversing seven counties and encircling the Greater Houston region.
In March 2017, the Texas Department of Transportation awarded the $855 million design-build construction contract for Segments H, I-1 & I-2 to Grand Parkway Infrastructure (GPI), a joint venture led by global infrastructure leader Ferrovial Construction, along with Webber LLC and Granite Construction Inc.
The project is receiving 10 million cubic yards of inbound materials including dirt, air cement, 680,000 cubic yards of ready-mix concrete, concrete slabs, 1.2 million cubic yards of sand mixed with cement, and precast materials such as beams and panels for the walls.
The project is scheduled to be complete in April 2022.
GPI faced a huge challenge and needed a system to help manage the business processes associated with the vast amount of materials required for a project of this size.
“GPI’s portion of the project consists of 55 miles of new roadway construction around the outer ring of Houston. The materials include 10 million cubic yards of dirt, 600,000 cubic yards of concrete—plus an additional 150,000 cubic yards of concrete for structures, large volumes of asphalt, and 200,000 linear feet of beams,” says David Romero-Garcia, project controls manager at Grand Parkway Infrastructure, LLC. “With CONNEX, we can easily share real-time plans, designs, and daily reports, and communicate with all of our materials suppliers through one solution.”
Command Alkon’s CONNEX platform is a cloud-based technology approach that allows for digital delivery ticket workflows, eProof of Deliveries (ePODs), and automated invoice reconciliation. Now that electronic ticket data automatically flows through GPI’s systems, they know exactly how much material has been received, and their project managers and other team members can view daily job costs to manage budgets.
With CONNEX, GPI tracks materials entering a jobsite. Users can accept materials electronically in the field and are also able to electronically append field test results and photos.
Inbound materials and haul costs are automatically coded and accounted for so that GPI no longer has to deal with the pain of month-end accruals. They have started to use the solution to make electronic order requests straight from their mobile device.
“Now when requesting orders, there is no miscommunication with phone calls or emails,” says David. “Everything is centralized, and everyone is on the same page.”
It used to take days reconciling invoices at month-end. Now, digital delivery tickets are pre-coded, invoices are automatically reconciled against goods received, and they have visibility into their materials and hauling costs daily.
“We know at the end of the day how many tickets the supplier has uploaded and sent in a day, even if our field personnel haven’t approved the tickets yet,” continues David. “Having that information in real time has been very beneficial to keeping up with our job costs.”
CONNEX Jobsite puts time back into the hands of accounting personnel and field engineers. Checking invoices and managing disputes with suppliers used to be a huge time investment. Now, everyone has access to the same information in real time. Their relationships with their suppliers have improved, as well as the internal relationships among the engineers, foremen, and the accounting department.

In the past, GPI’s operations with their trading partners were disjointed. Now, GPI and all of their trading partners can connect and exchange information from one single source. The power to connect internal supply chain processes with suppliers, logistics providers, inspectors, and owners brings visibility into the condition and location of orders, trucks, and materials at all times and simplifies invoice reconciliation and AP workflows.
“We no longer need to manually check tickets one by one. We just have to check if the delivery ticket has been approved by the engineers, said Miguel Hernandez, segment accounting manager, Grand Parkway Infrastructure, LLC. “What use to take 1 to 2 hours, now it takes about 30 seconds to reconcile an invoice.”
About The Author
Karli Langner has been with Command Alkon since 2017 and currently serves as a media relations and content marketing specialist. For more, visit
Modern Contractor Solutions, May 2021
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