Dirt-Tight Challenge
American Excavating, Ltd., headquartered in Saginaw, Michigan, was low bidder on a project for the City of Saginaw to construct a new cast-in-place concrete...
Quick, Quality Work
For most people the acronym, JSCCR, is a definite puzzler. What it stands for is Juniper, Spruce, Cranberry, Cottonwood, and Rose—the names of the...
Calming the Water
Water is everywhere. In fact, it covers more than 70 percent of Earth’s surface, serving as the backbone of all life forms—plants, animals, and...
33 Miles of I-75 Highway Expansion Projects
For more than 4 years and counting, site construction company EHC, Inc. has been awarded six projects for the improvement of I-75 across four...
Restoring the Terrazzo
While many may not yet be familiar with the Stockton Metropolitan Airport, it offers what people want most, ease of travel. It’s conveniently located...
1.3 Million Square Feet of Slabs
Architectural and structural installations are all in a day’s work for Concrete Services, a wholly owned subsidiary subcontractor of Swinerton Builders. However, beating the...
Moving Dirt
The post-recession construction industry has spurred a number of success stories—one of which is Tampa Bay, Florida’s BP Construction Group. Three-and-a-half years ago, R.G....
The Power of Spatial Coordination
Being in the construction management business since 1938, the Linbeck Group has had a unique opportunity to be part of the transformative, game-changing process...
Central Placement
Tower cranes shadowing rising commercial and mixed-use high-rise buildings are certainly not unusual on today’s city skylines. What is a fresh new sight is...
Faulkner Automotive Goes Big
A new Faulkner Automotive car dealership built in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, found a way to maximize sales by increasing its display area while also being...