employee retention

Don’t Let ‘Em Go: Part 2 of 2

In part one of this article, the cost of a departing employee, the cost of turnover, and what can be done to improve retention...
retain staff

Challenges of Retaining Your Best Employees

There are plenty of tips, tools, and ideas that can help you retain your best staff. With unemployment finally on the decline, it is...
jobsite lighting

Jobsite Lighting: Asset or Consumable?

Many contractors consider jobsite lighting temporary and disposable, essentially a consumable. It is charged fully to the client for a single job and then...

Leave a Leadership Legacy

In the Gallup book, Strengths Based Leadership: Great Leaders, Teams, and Why People Follow, Tom Rath writes, “The most extraordinary leaders do not see...
infrastructure plan

Three Tips for Contractors in Light of the $1.5 Trillion Infrastructure...

There is no doubt that the recent actions of President Donald Trump have been made with his signature phrase in mind: Make America Great...
American National Standards Institute

How New ANSI Standards Impact Future Training Protocols

Changes have been made to the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) for aerial work platforms in the areas...
industry predictions

What’s Ahead in 2018?

Factories in flat-packs and homes built in factories—modular construction will build new momentum in 2018. However, the industry is battling with significant skills shortages...
financial executive

The Compliant Client System

Financial executives are valued for their attention to detail. They are relied upon to prepare accurate financial statements and to help strategize financial decisions...

Why Do We Constantly Get Pushback to Change?

It never fails. You go to roll out a new program or process and then you start to hear the grumblings about why it...
dry erase boards

The Modern Office Space

While dry erase boards have long been a staple in just about every boardroom, classroom, and meeting room, manufacturers typically have been forced to...