Get Fit with Accountability for a Successful Future

Building muscle in your business with an accountability culture Over the past few years, you’ve gotten “lean and mean.” You’ve cut costs and struggled to...

Using Neural Leadership to Build a Better Business

Business owners and managers today face a myriad of challenges—a tight market with strong competition, workforce issues, slimming margins, and the need to keep...

Are You Stuck in Your Critter Brain?

Brett is over the moon. He has just received a long-awaited promotion and with it the opportunity to present to his firm’s key clients....

The Voice of the Younger Generation

Managing and motivating the younger employee can be one of the most challenging situations a manager faces. How in the world do you get...

Taxes in 2014: Know the Facts and Avoid an Audit

The possibility of a tax audit can strike fear into the hearts of even the most seasoned contractors. Whether records are meticulously kept in...

Change, Challenges, Choices

If there’s one word that captures the essence of what is occurring in business today, it’s “change.” It’s most definitely “business NOT as usual.”...

Stolen But Not Lost

As the economy has become more stable over the past several years, many construction owners have again started to purchase construction equipment for their...

Are You a Boss or a Leader?

Success starts and stops with an organization’s leadership. And any business is as strong, or as weak, as the leader at the helm of...

Up With Local Leadership

I swear if I read another blog about the leadership lessons of some famous leader, I’ll gag. I’d much rather read about real leaders...

Mass Miscommunication

You fiddle with your smartphone under the table during an important meeting. You type an (error-ridden) email to a client while talking (distractedly) on...