Decision-making: Part 2 of 3

By Preston Ingalls I truly believe our lives are the result of our decision making. We are either recipients of good outcomes for proper decisions...

Contact Tracing

By Kyle Peacock Contact tracing is critical for helping to stop the spread of COVID-19 on jobsites. Yet managing it is challenging. A lot of...

Decision Making

I truly believe our lives are the result of our decision making. We are either recipients of good outcomes for proper decisions or victims...

Job Hunting

This can be an especially frustrating and worrisome time for job seekers. Massive unemployment resulting from the coronavirus pandemic reflects decline and uncertainty in...

Hiring Veterans

By Josh White Of the 18.2 million veterans currently residing in the U.S., around 621,000 receive disability insurance or pension payments. Sadly, veterans with disabilities...

Successful Recruiting

By Christine Corelli There is much to learn from those who lead the U.S. Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, and Coast Guard when it comes...

Special Inspections

By Tommy Faulkner  Special inspections originated in response to public safety concerns over a series of catastrophic structural failures in the late 1970s and early...

Pandemic-era Marketing

With a changing landscape throughout the construction industry, one thing remains the same—life may slow down, but construction remains strong. We are at a...

Stop Toolbox Talk Burnout

By Ruthann Ellis Holding regular Toolbox Talks is an effective way to reinforce the focus on safety for workers. At Ceco Concrete Construction, our crew...

It’s a Wo(Man)’s World, Too

By Karli Langner  Now, 100 years after women gained voting rights in the U.S., women are participating in the workforce at nearly the highest level...