Associated Builders and Contractors today announced its 2025 Top Performers lists, recognizing its contractor members’ outstanding achievements in safety, quality, inclusion, project excellence, and special designations ranked by number of hours worked.

The No. 1 2025 ABC Top Performer by work hours is Turner Industries Group LLC, Baton Rouge, Louisiana; followed by BL Harbert International, Birmingham, Alabama; Brown & Root Industrial Services, Baton Rouge, Louisiana; Performance Contractors, Baton Rouge, Louisiana; and MMR Constructors Inc., Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

“Competition is a healthy constant in the ever-evolving world of construction, and these companies believe fair and open competition based on merit fosters innovation, increases value and delivers results for the betterment of the individual, the industry, and the nation,” says Michael Bellaman, president and CEO of ABC. “ABC top performers are the competitive all-stars of construction, with commonalities like ABC’s STEP Safety Management System, ABC’s Accredited Quality Contractor credential, upskilling and education programs, leadership development, technology implementation, and more. These contractors win work based on merit. Congratulations to these outstanding contractors for competing on a fair and level playing field, building the nation’s most enduring, innovative, high-quality construction projects, and for attracting and retaining the best talent, based on merit.”

Among contractors rated by type of work:

  • The top general contractor is Turner Industries Group, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
  • The top trade contractor is MMR Constructors Inc., Baton Rouge, Louisiana
  • The top electrical contractor is MMR Constructors Inc., Baton Rouge, Louisiana
  • The top plumbing/HVAC contractor is TDIndustries Inc., Dallas
  • The top specialty contractor is Apache Industrial, Houston
  • The top special designations contractor is Crossland Construction Co. Inc., Columbus, Kansas

The seventh annual ABC Top Performers lists include diverse merit shop businesses large and small, from women-, veteran- and minority-owned businesses and service-disabled firms to disadvantaged business enterprises across the country.

To qualify, Top Performers must achieve Gold status or higher in ABC’s STEP Safety Management System, which helps the best-performing contractors achieve incident rates nearly six times safer than the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics industry average, according to ABC’s Safety Performance Report. The majority of the honorees also must earn ABC’s Accredited Quality Contractor credential, which recognizes excellence in quality, safety performance, talent management—including inclusion, diversity, and merit—craft and management education and community relations. 

Celebrating its 75th anniversary in 2025, Associated Builders and Contractors represents more than 23,000 members. Founded on the merit shop philosophy, ABC and its 67 chapters members’ mission is to develop people, win work, and deliver that work safely, ethically, and profitably. ABC’s membership represents all specialties within the U.S. construction industry and is comprised primarily of firms that perform work in the industrial and commercial sectors. 

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View the 2025 ABC Top Performers lists at