It is easy to be overwhelmed by the tsunami of technology being pushed on us daily. Business is perpetually challenged to: leverage it, make it work, and to get it accepted by customers and employees alike. Odds are you have lived or viewed failures. That is, new programs or tech-based processes tried that inevitably were abandoned because they, in the end, did not pay off in ROI. The root cause of these failures is often unreasonable complexity for the user or limited interface with other enterprise systems. Those are the tech answers. The pragmatic real answers are they did not save enough people time, did not make enough jobs easier, or did not help sell more work.
I have watched contractors and other businesses try too hard to deploy the fast developing mobile technology. App stores are exploding with software solutions that do anything and everything short of scheduling bathroom breaks for staff and crews. Mature firms with complexity with existing core systems struggle with download shrink-wrap solutions. Firms are often uncomfortable approaching developers for customized solutions for fear of exploding costs or lack of understanding of their business by developers.
In my travels consulting with and evaluating businesses, I have recently identified two ideal examples of the development and deployment of mobile technology which can serve as models. These examples should provide hope to all and motivate risk taking in development.
Dashboard contains project summaries and reports for easy access and updating.
Company: CTECAG
Business: Silo Repair, Millwright, Design Build Construction, Waterproofing, Painting
Serving: National AG Enterprises, Cooperatives, Ports
App Developer: Logical Engine
CTECAG management deploys 15 decentralized crews across the U.S. and Canada daily. Communication and reporting with crew superintendents/foreman was a growing challenge. The vision was equipping all superintendents/foreman with tablets where daily reporting and communication with the main office could be facilitated. Each morning and end of day, at minimum, superintendents/foreman log into a cloud-based system to complete a morning work plan outline and an end-of-day report. The app automatically compiles a customized summary report of all projects based on the daily input for project managers, the vice president of operations, and ownership by noon each day. Other features and benefits:
- Maintains tracking of employee hours and interfaces with payroll.
- Monitors equipment utilization and assists in scheduling maintenance needs.
- Prompts mandatory DAILY Safety activities and completes safety reporting requirements.
- Monitors raw material use daily and facilitates automated ordering.
- Maintains photo records of job progress daily.
- Has an ALERT feature where superintendents can log in to report any special occurrence/incident to the project manager, the vice president of operations, or ownership.
Beyond the obvious efficiencies and improved communication, CTECAG has enjoyed the capability of forwarding reports and photos, as desired, to various oversight management levels of their customers.
Pending estimates plotted using GOOGLE Maps.
Company: Raiserite Concrete Lifting
Business: Concrete Lifting and Leveling
Serving: Federal/State/County DOTs, Commercial Warehousing/Manufacturing, Residential
App Developer: Logical Engine
Raiserite deploys a minimum of two crews and a full-time estimator daily for its concrete raising and leveling business covering the state of Wisconsin. It sought an integrated system where an estimator could produce no less than 20 estimates a day, including photos with on-the-spot email capability of repair requirements and pricing utilizing only a tablet. Its cloud-based system allows office personnel accepting estimate requests to upload incoming requests in a real-time environment so estimators can quickly identify up-to-minute opportunities when they are in an area. The system interfaces with GOOGLE maps and provides map plotting of all pending estimates, as well as driving directions. With customized formulas embedded into the program, the estimator merely measures each repair area and the pricing is calculated. With the push of a button, an itemized estimate is prepared and emailed to the prospect or printed with a portable printer, which is carried in the estimator’s vehicle.
Raiserite also equips crew leaders with tablets. Crews enjoy the same map plotting of pending work and the efficient scheduling system tools. Crews log into locations on arrival, complete the work, and capture photos of the completed work. The system then generates an invoice for the customer with before and after photos of the work performed.
The Raiserite Estimate Rocket system enjoys a full CRM (Customer Relationship Management System) functionality that interfaces with mass email programs. Email reminders of pending appointments and teasers of unaccepted estimates are all managed from the system.
Beyond the obvious efficiencies and improved customer communication capabilities, Raiserite Management can now monitor crews. Logging in and out of jobs mitigates the need for GPS tracking of equipment.
Note: The Raiserite Estimate Rocket APP was the genesis of the generic Estimate Rocket APP available for all industries (
Progressive entities are gaining efficiency, improving customer communication, and most importantly, experiencing PROFITS by deploying mobile technology. It can work! The process is simple: Create a vision and find a development partner who understands your business objective. ■
About The Author Paul DelFino is a principal of the consulting firm Opportunity Inc. For nearly two decades, he has assisted entrepreneurs in growing their businesses, responding to economic downturns, and merger and acquisition activity. His publications include “Avoiding Skewed Entrepreneurial Strategies” available from all online booksellers. Visit to learn more.
Modern Contractor Solutions, September 2014
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