B2W Software introduces new capabilities within its ONE Platform that enable contractors to identify equipment defects and make repairs faster and more cost effectively.

The ONE Platform from B2W can now generate repair requests automatically based on data from electronic forms used for completing equipment inspections. The enhanced process relays detailed information from equipment inspections to the maintenance team immediately. By eliminating lag time and manual steps for transferring this data, contractors can identify and complete equipment repair work more efficiently to minimize maintenance costs while improving equipment uptime and safety.

The B2W Inform application enables contractors to customize and manage electronic forms for any requirement, including equipment inspections. Form fields can be mapped to the format of equipment repair requests, which are managed in the B2W Maintain application. This connection allows inspection forms to trigger repair requests automatically in the maintenance software and for information from forms—including descriptions and photos—to flow directly to the requests.

 B2W Maintain and B2W Inform utilize a single database for equipment lists, jobs, employees, and other operational data. Linking inspection form fields to this database allows drop-down menus to be populated with valid, up-to-date options, minimizing errors, and the effort required to fill out forms. For more, visit www.b2wsoftware.com.