GCP Applied Technologies announces more than 200 new detail drawings have been added to GCP Applied Technologies’ Air Barrier briefcase, a mobile-optimized tool designed for quick, efficient access to construction data.
GCP’s experts carefully developed the updated design drawings for architects, engineers, and contractors. Now construction professionals have online access to hundreds of new detail drawings that incorporate the placement of air barriers, providing critical information needed for projects, from the office to the jobsite.
To begin using GCP’s Air Barrier briefcase from your mobile device, first visit gcpat.com/briefcase, select the PERM-A-BARRIER® air barrier product line, and browse the detail drawings. Create a personal briefcase in myBriefcase to add files and organize selected construction docs by project, assembly, system, or whatever best fits the project needs. Lastly, add the briefcase to your mobile device home screen for easy access on the go.
Follow @briefcase on Twitter for the latest updates, new functionality announcements, and case studies on high-profile projects that leverage GCP’s diverse construction portfolio. For more, visit gcpat.com.