Are using old methods the easy way out?
Old methods feel comfortable and safer, save you hours of research, and appear to be cheaper on your budget. After using the method for years, you know the ins and the outs of the procedure and have a solution for its problems.
As your business begins to gain attention and become more prominent in the industry, jobs become more complex. With more jobs and different materials to manage, you start asking yourself, is your unwillingness to discard outdated practices harming your company’s growth? Are those tried and true processes starting to cost you money? Or is there a better way to spend your resources?
Now, the projects you were excited to take on are too expensive, too strenuous, and you stop considering similar ones in the future, restricting your company’s chances to grow and expand your services.
A simple way of keeping up with those new and complex projects is to embrace the change you’ve been resisting and look for new methods or equipment that get the job done. While initially painful to let go of what “has always worked” or “don’t need to change”, results such as bidding on more projects without worrying about your company’s capabilities will show you why it was time to retire them.
By installing one of our units on an excavator, our customers found a way to invest in their company’s growth, while also saving their budget from unnecessary expenses. Switching from an old method to a new one by using one of our units is not as difficult as everyone thinks.
When working with bedrock, there are two options: if the surface is flat enough, you can build on top of it, if not, then you need to excavate and replace it with a base rock. Unfortunately for our customer in Wisconsin, USA, they didn’t have the luxury of a flat surface. The bedrock on their site was too uneven and they had to excavate it.
Their initial plan was to use a method they’ve used several times in the past: having trucks dispose of the excavated bedrock. However, they soon realized the cost of purchasing the fill and using a truck to transport the material wasn’t cost-effective. They decided to find a new way to manage the excavated bedrock.
As they researched the ways they could recycle the bedrock on site, they found a solution: MB Crusher’s BF80.3 crusher bucket. By using the unit, they crushed the bedrock down to an appropriate size and met the standards to use it as fill. Video
After using the crusher bucket for the first time, they started to ask questions: What other projects could they use the unit on? What other materials can they process?
With the bucket, they can crush different kinds of material, allowing them to tackle jobs they wouldn’t have considered before. A simple change such as using a crusher on site had them producing their own supplies instead of paying to have someone provide them with material, they also acquired an attachment they can rely on for future projects.
In Central Point, Oregon, our customer was already recycling the concrete they acquired from previous jobsites. They wanted to reduce the number of trips a truck made in order to bring the materials back and forth from their job site. With only a stationary crusher, they had no choice but to take multiple trips and store the material at their yard.
They wanted to have a machine more versatile than their stationary crusher, something they can take to any jobsite. Due to the size of their materials, they also needed something that processed large materials. Once they saw exactly how large the material they were working with was, they felt that finding something that can handle the material was impossible. So, they continued to use their original method of hauling material from their jobsite to their stationary crusher. Video
Then the hauling fees started to add up.
Their previous method of taking the larger pieces of concrete and waiting until they had time to process it with their stationary crusher turned out to be disadvantageous for business. If they didn’t have time to process the material before starting their project, they would need to wait for their plant to crush the concrete and be transported to their job site. In order to reach their deadline, they’d need to find a way to utilize downtime in case trucks were delayed or their crusher broke down. If they couldn’t find a solution, they’d need to wait it out.
After accepting how this method of transporting, crushing, and then transporting material again cost them money, time, and space in their yard, they looked for new ways to process the concrete. Preferably, one that didn’t involve a truck taking several trips to their yard because the uncrushed material didn’t fit in the truck’s bed.
Once they purchased the BF135.8 crusher bucket, they started to crush material on site. By processing the concrete, either on site or on the bed of the truck, they sent it off to another job site that needed the material or reused it on site. With their crusher bucket, they reduced their hauling expenses by processing their material right when they’ve obtained it rather than having to send it to their yard.
A company in Kalihi, on the island of Oahu, Hawaii excavated blue granite while they prepped their job site. Their tried and true method was to have a truck haul the material away, but, the process was starting to get costly and wasn’t something they wanted to continue utilizing. They wanted to know if there was equipment that they could purchase and that would allow them to reuse the material.
They spoke to one of our specialists and found that reusing the material on site was a possibility if they purchased a BF80.3 crusher bucket to do the job. When we spoke to them, the project manager told us that they wanted to “save money and stop wasting material” by doing so, they were able to “create their own product and keep working”.
With the unit, they reused the crushed blue granite as backfill for the trenches they were creating and had material left to use it as base for their next project. Video
Our customers have started the switch from their old methods to new ones by looking at our range of attachments and purchasing the attachment that provides the most benefits, not only for their current job site, but for future projects as well. From bedrock, to concrete, to blue granite, and a variety of other materials and application areas, our units help make the rough transition from old methods to new ones, smoother.
A simple solution such as using one of our crusher buckets to process material on site can have you relying on the unit and give you the confidence to take on projects that you wouldn’t have been able to before.
for more information:
For more than 15 years, MB has been a leader in the fields of crushing, demolition, and recycling, by designing, producing, and selling the very first jaw bucket crusher. For more, visit
Modern Contractor Solutions, October 2020
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