For more than 4 years and counting, site construction company EHC, Inc. has been awarded six projects for the improvement of I-75 across four counties in Florida. The projects have included expansions and improvements to the major Interstate Highway including bridges and exit ramps.
While managing large-scale real estate and government projects in Southwest Florida, EHC is concurrently working on two multi-million dollar I-75 highway expansion projects. The projects span a combined 24 miles and, once completed, EHC will have provided earthwork and infrastructure services for 33 miles of I-75 since 2011.
The following are I-75 highway expansion projects in Sarasota, Charlotte, Lee, and Collier Counties, Florida, from 2011 to present:
The first I-75 project awarded to EHC was from the exits of Tuckers Grade to Jones Loop Road in Charlotte County, Florida. EHC crews worked with AJAX Paving for the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) to add a 12-foot inside travel lane and a 10-foot wide shoulder in the more than a 3 mile distance. The project also included stormwater ponds, drainage improvements, and exit ramp improvements at Tuckers Grade.
After completing 3 miles of I-75 widening in Charlotte County, EHC worked with AJAX Paving for the FDOT to expand travel lanes and widen the shoulders of I-75 in Lee County. The goal of the project was to six lane I-75 from south of State Road 78/Bayshore Road to Lee/Charlotte County. EHC provided earthwork and infrastructure services including excavation, embankment, finish grading, stabilized subgrade, and base for the nearly 6 miles of road construction.
According to the FDOT, crews added a 12-foot travel lane and a 10-foot shoulder to the inside of existing northbound and southbound I-75 in the 6-mile project. The job also included resurfacing the existing four lanes, expanding interstate bridges over SR 78/Bayshore Road, constructing emergency stopping sites at the northbound and southbound I-75 exit ramps at the SR 78/Bayshore Road interchange, and adding stormwater retention ponds.
AJAX Paving and EHC partnered yet again in Charlotte County for the FDOT. The project is currently underway and will expand travel lanes and widen the shoulders of I-75 for another 8-mile stretch between the two prior projects. The combined projects increased travel lanes to six on I-75 from south of State Road 78/Bayshore Road in Lee County to CR 768/Jones-Loop Road in Charlotte County.
According to the FDOT, crews added a 12-foot travel lane and a 10-foot shoulder to the inside of existing northbound and southbound I-75. The job also includes resurfacing the existing four lanes and adding stormwater retention ponds.
Upon completion, EHC will have provided earthwork and infrastructure services including excavation, embankment, finish grading, stabilized subgrade, and base for nearly 17 miles of Interstate road construction.
EHC’s latest project spans nearly 16 miles, twice as many miles as the previous project. New client, The Astaldi Group, one of Italy’s leading General Contractors and among Europe’s top 25 firms in the construction industry, selected EHC for the vast project. EHC is providing excavation, embankment, finish grading, stabilized subgrade, and base, as well as temporary detours and access roads and extensive berm and swale work.
The FDOT reports that the improvements in this project consist of adding lanes and reconstruction, including bridge rehabilitation, milling and resurfacing, widening, base work, shoulder treatment, drainage improvements, curb and gutters, sidewalks, signing and pavement marking, signalization, intelligent transportation system components and lighting on State Road 93 (I-75) from south of Harborview Road northeasterly to Sumter Boulevard in Charlotte and Sarasota Counties. In addition to the four highway expansion projects featured, EHC has worked on two I-75 exit ramp and bridge projects.
New client Wright Construction awarded EHC with a contract to widen the south-bound exit ramp of Golden Gate Parkway in Naples, Florida. Services for the now completed Collier County I-75 project included earthwork, stabilized subgrade, and lime rock base.
Wrapping up the I-75 projects is the Caloosahatchee River Bridge upgrade in Fort Myers, Florida. EHC, The de Moya Group, and Ajax Paving are teaming up to improve the I-75 Caloosahatchee River Bridge in Lee County for the FDOT. The project consists of eight bridges, new travel lanes, and new shoulders northbound and southbound between SR 80/Palm Beach Boulevard and SR 78/Bayshore Road. EHC is providing the base layer for the final phase of the project.
Through the years, the company has experienced significant growth, survived harsh economic times, and is currently appreciating steady growth. The company attributes its success to continually finding efficiencies, ability to make quick changes, adapting to change, and above all—its people. EHC also gives back to the community and is involved in numerous charitable, non-profit, and professional organizations. ■
For More Information: Jeff Hunt is an owner and president of EHC, Inc., a construction company that provides pre-construction, earthwork, and infrastructure services. Established in 1990, EHC remains committed to excellence from pre-planning to project completion through the latest technology, proven processes, and an experienced team. For more information, visit, call 239.592.0828, or connect with EHC on LinkedIn.
Modern Contractor Solutions – December 2015
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33 Miles of I-75 Highway Expansion Projects