Architectural and structural installations are all in a day’s work for Concrete Services, a wholly owned subsidiary subcontractor of Swinerton Builders. However, beating the high California winds and heat on a new, 80-acre Oak Business Park located in Livermore, California, is proving to be calm and cool.
The Oaks project was an important win for Concrete Services. Since the end of 2008, projects of this size have been far and few between in the West Coast region of the United States. The project has many aspects of concrete construction on it, including foundations, large slab on grade placements, cast in-place walls, tilt-up panels, concrete stairs, concrete monument sings, truck paving, curb, gutter, and sidewalks.
Concrete Services is self-performing all of the concrete work on the site, and at the height of construction will have between 75 and 100 craft employees dedicated to the project.
According to Shawn Barnes, operations manager of Concrete Services, “With over 50,000 cubic yards of concrete to place in approximately 11 months is no small undertaking.
There is 1.3 million square feet of slab on grade, 360,000 square feet of tilt-up panels, and 236,000 square feet of truck-rated paving.” The project specifications require 6 inches of compacted ¾-inch aggregate base, reinforcing of #4 18-inch O.C. around the perimeter 30 feet wide, and the construction joints call for #6 dowels with continuous #6 dowel baskets at every control joint.
Featured Image: Many aspects of concrete construction are tied to the Oak Business Park project in Livermore, California.
Above: Shawn Barnes is the operations manager of Concrete Services.
“We have worked with Somero® products for the past 14 years by renting operated screeds that we would utilize on various projects,” says Barnes. “We knew at bid time it was crucial knowing the only way to be competitive on this type of project, given the size and flatness requirements, was to use a Laser Screed® model to meet and exceed the client’s expectations.” With a project of this magnitude, placing large, light industrial flooring with specific FF and FL requirements, Concrete Services decided to partner with Somero Enterprises, Inc.® and purchase a new S-22E Laser Screed model. Barnes continues, “With the California weather conditions, we needed to have something that would get it down fast and flat to beat the heat and winds.”
With over 1.3 million square feet of slabs to be placed, Concrete Services only knew of one company that they would want to partner with to make this a successful project. Once hearing about the S-22E Somero model, Concrete Services knew the S-22E would make it easier to achieve the needed results.
According to Barnes, “The soft touch landing eliminates the need to have someone straight edge the touch downs and the quick pass allows us to correct concrete that was placed a little on the high side. The operator controls are user-friendly. The location of the operator seat makes this the safest machine to work around. Originally we had just planned on placing the slab on grade, but after using the machine, we decided to use the S-22E to place the exterior paving as well.”
The true hidden gem behind the machine is the fact that with more than one-quarter million square feet already installed, Concrete Services was able to exceed the owner’s expectations. From the very first placement after on-site training provided by Somero, Concrete Services delivered and averaged an FF 95 FL 86 and has since averaged FF 109 and FL 82, with the first building being a sloped floor placement.
Tom Jodry, senior vice president of development management with Trammell Crow Company, states, “As a developer and owner, we cannot be more pleased and impressed with the quality of the flatness and finish of the Oaks slab-on-grade production using the new, laser-guided power screed to date. Most notably, the flatness standard has averaged nearly double the specification, concrete waste is de minimis, and we are realizing significant schedule acceleration.” Currently, Concrete Services is running more than 2 weeks ahead of the scheduled plan.
Concrete Services is based in Sacramento, California, and provides many concrete services. The core characteristics of Concrete Services are based on integrity, leadership, passion, and excellence. Concrete Services strives every day to exceed its clients and partners expectations. Encouraging and challenging its teams to be innovators and develop better ways to put work in place. ■
About The Author: Marci Markwart is the marketing coordinator for Somero Enterprises, Inc. She can be reached at 239.210.6502; For more information, visit
Modern Contractor Solutions, October 2015
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1.3 Million Square Feet of Slabs